Days 20 and 21: 122 and 156 Juggles for Jude! Plus my First Official Media Photo Shoot! And...We Have Passed the $9,000 Mark!!!!

HollisJFJReporterGuess what?  We have raised over $9,000!  We got some more online donations and a check today that puts us over the $9,000 mark, but it isn't going to be recorded on my donation page until it gets to St. Jude.  How exciting is that?  $9,000 in less than one month, not including the pledges for my final tally!  I think I might have to try for $20,000 by the end of the summer!Today I went to camp and then raced out to the field for my first Juggling for Jude photo shoot! A local newspaper is doing a story on me and all of the amazing donations we've received for St. Jude Hospital!  It was hard to juggle with a camera going the whole time, and these crazy winds haven't stopped a bit!  I didn't really try for my real juggling, because it was just too windy.  Instead, I went inside and got 156.  Another obstacle got in my way like it did the other day, but I'm getting better at not letting those things get me frustrated.  I keep remembering why I'm doing this--it's not about records. It's about helping the brave kids at St. Jude!  Oh, and yesterday I got 122 and a group of really nice men playing in a pick-up game gave me a standing ovation for juggling! :)  It was fun!I should have a really exciting announcement in the next few days, so be sure to keep checking in on my blog and like me on Facebook.If you want to donate, you can just click the link here, or you can pledge a per-juggle amount on my Juggling for Jude Facebook Page.  Remember, my daily record average is well over 100 juggles, so keep that in mind if you make a pledge!Thanks for your support and keep telling your friends about JUGGLING FOR JUDE!~Hollis 
