Days 15 and 16: 196 and 271 Juggles. Plus: Wow, it's Been a Super Busy week Around Here!!!

Comcastsportsnetpic What a week so far!  First it was juggling in the July 4th parade and getting a great donation for that. Then, it was watching the US Women's National Team beating Japan in the World Cup Finals!  Then it was this amazing news story about Juggling for Jude on Comcast SportsNet Bay Area.And then I had my first session with my friend, Brianna, and a PROFESSIONAL soccer player as a coach, which was so fun (Tristan Bowen is awesome)!HollisandTristanDay 15 was a tough day because it was at the end of my Comcast shoot, and my legs were still juggled out after the parade (I think I juggled a million times that day!), but I got 196. Then on day 16, today, I juggled 271 times in a parking lot of a burger shop while I was waiting for my food. It was a super busy day and that was my only chance to do it on video. I almost got run over, as you can see at the end of that video! Sort of funny but also crazy! When you're juggling to save kids with cancer, being run over is ALMOST worth the risk! :)PLEASE DONATE TO ST. JUDE HERE!  IT ONLY TAKES 45 SECONDS AND CAN SAVE A LIFE!!!! We have now passed the $5,000 mark for summer of 2015, but my goal is $40,000, so there's lots of donating to be done!!!!Thanks for your support!~Hollis
