Days 7 and 8: 724 and 392 Juggles. Plus, I have a New Logo and a Juggling for Jude Challenge Reminder!



Here's my new logo! I hope you like it!

One of the hardest parts about doing Juggling for Jude is dealing with the technology it takes to video long videos of juggling and upload them onto youtube!  My mom finally figured out that since our phones kept running out of storage and battery, we need to use a non-iphone camera.  Now that we have that figured out, the biggest challenge is just getting the videos onto youtube. Anyhow, here's 724 and here's 392. The other day I was at  700-something and the video went out, so I stopped. I don't want to get a record and not have it recorded!Also, don't forget about the Juggling for Jude Challenge!  You can juggle your ball and then donate a penny or nicely or dime or quarter or dollar per juggle. Just tag @juggling_for_jude on Instagram or Juggling for Jude on Facebook, so we can follow you and see your juggling. Check out @coral_jugglesforjude. She's 16 and is juggling every day, donating a nickel per juggle. Thanks so much, Coral!  We appreciate your doing this!Please spread the word to your friends and family and help me get to my goal of $100,ooo this summer! Anyone can DONATE here. It takes a minute!Have a great day!~Hollis
