Update on the Global Juggling for Jude Challenge

The timing of the launch of my Global Juggling for Jude Challenge was unfortunate! These have been tough times for our country and our world, and understandably people have been focused on causes impacting the lives of people around the world. Many of the professional athletes who had committed to juggling for kids with cancer on my behalf felt a need to postpone their participation until they feel ready to shed light on causes other than racism and global human rights. This makes total sense. And at the same time, kids with cancer worldwide continue to fight cancer and to have their lives taken from them far too soon. The doctors and scientists at St. Jude continue to work for cures and to offer treatment at no charge to kids of all backgrounds, races, religions, and financial standing, just as founder Danny Thomas would want.

I have highlighted on my social media channels that St. Jude was founded by Danny Thomas to treat ALL children, and he specifically chose the racially segregated city of Memphis for the hospital, to prove this commitment. St. Jude was the first fully integrated hospital in the south, and this history is alive and well, and to me, that is a really important part of the hospital's mission!

Above are just a few of the MANY people who have participated in the Juggling for Jude Challenge! There are many professional soccer players in there, people of various races, and ages (8-55!), and people from Canada to Mexico to Texas to Indiana, to places all around the US! My hope is to keep getting people juggling and donating, so please help me spread the word! You can go HERE to see all of the details on how you can juggle for a minute to help save the life of a child with cancer!

Here are some of my thoughts from a recent interview on the future of our world, with my generation leading the way:

Mine is the most tech-savvy generation and have grown up with social media. I'm so happy to see that we are using it in a way to make change and a way to spread awareness. I'm very optimistic and hopeful and I think that we will take over and help fix the injustices in our society, and we are starting to see that now. I launched this Juggling for Jude Challenge and the timing isn't great, but the way that I see it is that St. Jude was created in place where there was mass segregation in Memphis, Tennessee, and one of the main goals of St. Jude was to not just treat kids with cancer but treat kids of ALL races, and that was something that wasn't very common at that time. Black kids didn't have access to the same kind of medical treatment as white kids. So I think that this is all very connected, and we need to keep in mind that there are a lot of things that need to change, and hopefully will change, in this world, and I think they are all linked in some way. They all need attention, and we can all make a difference!

If you'd like to donate to help kids with cancer around the world, you can do that HERE.

Thank you for your support!

