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My grandparents finally came to visit last week (yay!) and when we were outside at a restaurant for dinner, there was a table of men wearing soccer gear. I decided to tell them my Juggling for Jude story, because I figured they’d be a good audience! It turned out that one of them was a former national team member for Norway, and one of them used to run the US Soccer Federation and hired former US Women’s National Team Coach, Jill Ellis! They were all very nice, and we chatted for awhile about soccer, childhood cancer, St. Jude, and why I do what I do.

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned through my years of fundraising is that it’s always worth sharing my story, spreading the word about St. Jude, and asking for support. You truly never know when someone who hears your story might step up to help! One of my messages in my speeches to corporations supporting St. Jude has always been: YOU ALWAYS HAVE TO BE WILLING TO ASK. It takes guts, but so does fighting cancer as a kid.

As always, you can DONATE any time to help the fight against childhood cancer!



Allison Belger