Kaylie, a northern California competitive soccer player, heard about Juggling for Jude from one of her coaches. Ever since, she has worked hard to develop her juggling skills, and she and her family frequently donate to St. Jude through my website in honor of her juggling records.

Last week, Kaylie earned a new record of 3,068 consecutive juggles, which she documented on her Juggling for Jude soccer ball. I can’t love this enough!

Kaylie also participates in fun runs supporting other causes, and she has even donated 10 inches of her hair to an organization making wigs for kids with cancer.

Kaylie is a great example of how small efforts can make meaningful contributions to those in need! I’m honored to have her as part of my Juggling for Jude team! Thank you, Kaylie!

You can donate in Kaylie’s honor HERE any time!

Thanks for the support,


PS Follow Kaylie on Instagram @kayliemmar!